What is an academic database?

When you do research in an academic setting, you’ll likely encounter academic databases like JSTOR, Scopus, PubMed, or ERIC. In this blog post, we define academic databases and explore what resources can be found in them.

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Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing: what’s the difference?

When you write a research paper, you’re required to include evidence from scholarly sources in order to prove your thesis. In this post, we discuss the three most common ways to include source material in your research paper: quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

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Differences between websites and journal articles

As you undertake research for your next paper or project, you will likely encounter both websites and online journal articles. But, what’s the difference between these two types of sources? In this post, we discuss the main differences between websites and journal articles.

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How many paragraphs is 500 words?

How many paragraphs is 500 words? In this post, we explore page and paragraph lengths for common essay types and offer tips for writing solid paragraphs.

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What is peer review?

You may have heard your instructor say that you’re required to use “peer-reviewed” sources for your research paper—but what, exactly, is peer review? In this blog post, we define peer review and cover tips for finding and evaluating peer-reviewed research.

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